Co-Creating Real Wellth

Real Wellth: Well + Healthy =Wealthy.

Ilse Erasmus , Certified Integrative Master Health Coach, Prekure, pH360, HCANZA

Integrative Coach Ilse Erasmus has completed several qualifications that assist her in supporting her clients on their journey to better health, including Institute for Integrative Nutrition Certification, PerKure HEalth coaching, etc. Alt Text
Ilse Erasmus is a member of HEalth Coaches Australia and New Zealand Association.
Institute of Integrative Nutrition Health Coach Certification has allowed Ilse to deliver the highest quality, holistic, integrative care.
Ilse is passionate about the power pf Personalised Medicine and uses ph360 to assist her clients in setting and achieving their health and well-being goals.


Kia ora e te whānau. I consider myself blessed with a life full of variety – originally training and working as a Chartered Accountant for several years around the globe. A Post Graduate Diploma in Viticulture and Oenology welcomed in a new chapter which culminated in my working in the wine industry for the next 7 years. Working on the land really opened my eyes to the effects of conventional farming - long term soil and human health is totally dependent on us adopting regenerative and organic farming practices.

My own healing journey beckoned another pivot - All my life I had taken my good health for granted - only to realise without it one has nothing. IIN Integrative Nutrition School, Prekure & pH360 has all been a part of that journey. It has consolidated my desire to want to help others; empower people and be a part of the collective voice and conversation that reconnects us with nature, that reconnects us with our capacity to heal our bodies; and the earth; and sees us all living more vibrant, conscious, connected, healthful lives. Our own life experiences are certainly our greatest teachers Vibrant wellness addresses all aspects of our lives; nurtures the mind, body & soul so that we can embody wellness as a way of life.

Most chronic illnesses today are preventable through lifestyle change. As a Certified Integrative Health Coach I work alongside clients to support them on a holistic journey to achieve their wellness goals. This empowers clients to make positive lifestyle choices to achieve vibrant well-being. The hallmarks of a healthy lifestyle include strong social connections, a balanced diet, adequate sleep, moving our bodies, managing stress and finding inner peace and purpose. Ilse supports the implementation of lifestyle changes to support a sustained sense of wellbeing – through these all needs are met. Mind. Heart. Body. Spirit.  



  • Prekure Master Coach ( Mental Health Coach, Metabolic Health Coach) - NZ 

  • HCANZA Member

  • Prekure Health Coach Certification , NZ

  • Certified Integrative Health Coach - Institute of Integrative Nutrition, USA

  • Post Graduate Diploma in Viticulture & Oenology, Lincoln University, NZ

  • Board of Chartered Accountants South Africa

  • Post Graduate Diploma in Accounting Science (Audit & Accounting), Natal University, South Africa

  • Diploma in Commerce, UNISA, South Africa


I continue to learn about different approaches to health and wellbeing and have completed numerous extracurricular courses, including

  • Certified pH360 & Shae Accredited Health Professional

    • Health Coaching and Behaviour Change

    • Epigenetics & Human Health

    • AI tools for Health & Wellness

    • WOOSH methodology for coaching

  • 200hr Qualified Trimurti Yoga Teacher

  • Dr Wendy Sweet My Menopause Transition

  • Koanga Organic Food Production Course (online)

  • Sustainable Soils & Food Production Systems

  • Optimising Healthspan and Lifespan

  • Cancer Terrain Theory

  • Breast Cancer Conquerer 7 Essential System

Start your Wellthy journey, today.