Our Approach

We are Real Wellth Collective . Empowering and Guiding you to discover your body’s innate ability to heal and supporting you to optimal health.

Utilizing the precision of scientific methods, the compassion of humanity, and the wisdom inherent in nature to revolutionize both our well-being and the world we inhabit.

Our Promise

At Real Wellth we're dedicated to providing you with exceptional service and support on your journey. Here's what you can expect from us:


Medical Supervision

Our medical doctor, specialising in integrative, functional & lifestyle medicine will oversee science based diagnostics, consultations & evidence based personalised treatments aimed at addressing root cause of dis-ease


Expert Guidance

We are here to offer expert recommendations and guidance every step of the way in achieving positive and long lasting changes to enhance your wellbeing.


Health Coaching Support

Health Coaches understand that change is a process. It is not always easy. You decide on your goals based on your values and needs. You set the pace. We are here to support you on your journey to health.


Personalized Solutions

We recognise and respect that you are unique and your bio-individuality demands a personalized solution rather that a one-size-fits all approach. We offer personalised solutions that align with your aspirations and challenges. Your success is our priority.


Clear Communication

Open and transparent communication is vital to us. We'll keep you informed, answer your questions, and provide regular updates to ensure you're always in the loop.


Supportive Community

You're not alone on this journey. Join our supportive community of like-minded individuals who share your goals. You get our daily support. Together, we'll inspire and motivate one another.


Continuous Improvement

We're dedicated to continually improving our services. We are ready and capable of adapting the program to suit your specific requirements based on your feedback.

  • “When a coach sits across from a client... the coach is not sitting across from a problem to be solved; the coach is sitting across from a person. This is a whole person: heart, mind, body and spirit. And their issue, whatever it is, is not neatly isolated. It is inexorably entwined in the client’s whole life.”

    — Covey

  • Our body and mind have the capacity to heal themselves if we allow them to rest. Stopping, calming, and resting are preconditions for healing. If we cannot stop, the course of our destruction will just continue. The world needs healing. Individuals, communities, and nations need healing.”

    Thich Nhat Hanh

  • Nature has the most powerfully healing effect.

    Shirin Neshat

  • One hour of compassionate deep listening can bring about transformation and healing.

    Thich Nhat Hanh

  • The soul always knows what to do to heal itself. The challenge is to silence the mind

    Caroline Myss

  • "The greatest medicine of all is teaching people how not to need it"


  • "Our food should be our medicine and our medicine should be our food."

    ~ Hippocrates

  • Mā te whakarongo, ka mōhio. Through listening, comes knowledge Mā te mōhio, ka mārama. Through knowledge, comes understanding. Mā te mārama, ka matau. Through understanding, comes wisdom. Mā te matau, ka ora Through wisdom, comes wellbeing.

    Maori Proverb

Let us help you find care that's right for you.