Optimising your Wellbeing.

Real Wellth: Well+ Healthy=Wealthy.

Dr Zuzana Oravcova-Wheeler- MBCHB, FACNEM, FASLM, MA, BA

Dr Zuzana Oravcova-Wheeler is committed to the wellbeing of her patients. She routinely incorporates a range of complimentary therapies into her comprehensive care plans. These include breathwork, mindfulness meditation, nature as medicine. Alt Text

Dr Zuzi describes why she chose to pursue her professional path, as an Integrative, Functional and Lifestyle Medicine doctor and how this enhances care of her patients. Dr Zuzi practices in a TRAUMA-INFORMED WAY.


I chose a career in medicine primarily to fulfil my deep desire to help people thrive. A few years into my medical career, I found myself within the grips of serious burnout: this was a pivotal point for me professionally and personally. Burnout is not an experience I would wish upon anyone, yet it was incredibly valuable because it invited me to look outside of the box of conventional paradigms.   I discovered a whole new world of possibilities, for me and for my future patients; possibilities of healing and enduring wellbeing

Changing my own trajectory inspired and empowered me to change how I practice medicine.  My goal is to identify and tackle the root causes of any health concerns you may have. I stay up-to-date with the latest advancements in diagnosis and treatment of common medical issues, both conventional and complementary. I have an integrative approach to wellbeing, tailored to each person’s needs and circumstances. To optimize outcomes, my management is multifaceted and collaborative, addressing as many modifiable factors as possible. Screening and prevention are integral to my practice. I strive to empower my clients with information, tools and support to help them in their pursuit of health and wellbeing.  

Optimism and compassion form the core of my practice. Though I may not always be able to completely restore your health, my aim is to help you discover the answers you are looking for, enhance your quality of life, and guide you in finding purpose and joy amid your challenges.

In my practice, I aim for wellbeing- inside and out, whatever that may mean to the person. I endeavor to connect, hear people out and appreciate the whole person, within their unique context, respecting their beliefs and opinions. I customize my management to suit the unique needs of each individual. I am thorough and look for root causes. I address all modifiable factors, wherever possible. I put a lot of emphasis on prevention. I work in partnership with my patients and other health and wellbeing professionals. 

  Three principal beliefs guide me: 

1. We are complex beings. Our humanity reaches far beyond our biology, physiology or biochemistry. In order to truly thrive, we need to attend to all our human needs, including physical, psychological, social, cultural, spiritual, environmental.

2. In order to really solve a problem, we need to find the root cause, and effectively address it, as well as its drivers. 

3. Many answers lie within us and can make themselves available via inner awareness and enquiry. 

I will be truly honoured if you chose to consult me about your health and wellbeing. 



  • Fellowship in Nutritional and Environmental Medicine - Australasian College of Nutritional and Environmental Medicine

  • Fellowship in Lifestyle Medicine - Australasian Society of Lifestyle Medicine (ASLM)

  • Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction - via the Global Mindfulness Collaboration

  • Mindfulness Meditation Teacher Certification Program - University of California, Berkeley 

  • Nutrition Network Advisor Certification

  • Neuroprotective Developmental Care Accreditation (The Possums Program)

  • Lifestyle Medicine Certified Physician - International Board of Lifestyle Medicine

  • Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery, University of Otago, NZ

  • Masters of Arts (Portuguese Literature), Pontifica Universidade Catolica, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil  

  • Bachelor of Arts (Portuguese and Dutch),  Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic

  • Diploma in Pharmaceutical Science and Technology, Stredna zdravotnicka skola, Banska Bystrica, Slovakia


I continue to learn about different approaches to health and wellbeing and have completed numerous extracurricular courses, including

  • Psychology and Behaviour Science

    • Health Coaching and Behaviour Change

    • Mindfulness based stress reduction (MBSR)

    • Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)

    • DNA-V- (ACT for Children and Adolescents)

    • Compassion-Focused Therapy (CFT)

    • Cognitive-Behaviour Therapy (CBT)

    • Interpersonal Therapy (IPT)

    • Psychodynamic psychotherapy 

    • Motivational Interviewing in Healthcare (MI)

    • Food and Eating Behaviour

      • Addictive Eating 

      • Intuitive Eating 

  • Nutrition and Nutritional Medicine

    • Clinical Nutrition

    • Therapeutic Fasting

    • Low-Carb and Ketogenic Nutrition

    • Plant-based Nutrition

  • Gastrointestinal tract disorders and gut health

    • Small intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (a common cause of IBS)

    • MIcrobiome

  • Movement and breath

    • Trauma Informed Yoga

    • Other Trauma-Informed Embodied Movement Modalities

  • Environmental Medicine

  • Medicinal Herbs and Nutraceuticals

  • Optimising Healthspan and Lifespan

  • Neuroprotective Developmental Care (holistic approach to supporting infants and their carers in their early life experience- includes breastfeeding, sleep support, mental health support for carers, etc.)

  • and more…

Dr Zuzi one one of the first doctors to obtain this qualification. Lifestyle medicine stands on four pillars: food as medicine, exercise as medicine, nurturing connections, addressing harmful habits in a respectful and sustainable manner
Dr Zuzi was one of the first NZ doctors to serve on the board of Australasian Society of Lifestyle Medicine.
Neuroprotective Developmental Care is a holistic, gentle and nurturing way to help infants and their carers in early life experience.

Start your Real Wellth journey, today.