Pricing & Packages

Medical Consultations & Health Coaching

Dr Zuzi is passionate about providing patient-centred care and empowering her patients with knowledge about all aspects of health and how they can utilise lifestyle to prevent or mitigate acute and chronic disease.

Dr Zuzi - Consultations

  • Recommended for MOST NEW PATIENTS, particularly those with complex or long-standing conditions. This generous time frame allows for detailed exploration of presenting issues and delivery of high-quality, patient-centered care.

  • Recommended for those in generally good health, looking at optimising their wellbeing, and most children.

  • Subsequent appointments, whether for existing or new concerns, will vary in duration based on the topics to be addressed. Prior to the session, Dr. Zuzi can provide an estimated timeframe. Fees will be charged in 15-minute increments (e.g. a 60-minute consultation: $90 x 4 = $360).

  • Comprehensive initial consultation (90min) and a follow up (60min or 2x30min). Most people who come to see me need at least two consultations to set them on the way. In the first one, we usually cover detailed history, physical examination and request initial investigations. In the follow up, we go over the results and design a plan. Please note that this payment plan is only valid for upfront payments.

  • These need to be requested via email-


Ilse- Health Coaching

  • Health Coaches understand that change is a process. It is not always easy. You decide on your goals based on your values and needs. You set the pace. I am here to support you on your journey to health. Coaching that fits in with your schedule and client led.

    All Health Coaching can be done in-person or via zoom/telehealth.

  • It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more.

    All Health Coaching can be done in-person or via zoom/telehealth.

  • If you are ready to take your Health and Wellbeing to the next level - this personalised programme is for you. Over 8 sessions, we’ll explore your goals, your concerns & challenges and co-create a positive plan for change 360 degrees of your life. This is about letting go of self sabotaging behaviours, self limiting beliefs and replacing old habits with new that will support you to better health & wellbeing


    • 8 One-on-one 1 hour personalised Coaching Sessions.

      Your journey is completely unique and bespoke to your needs but typically this programme includes:

    • Session 1: We take a deep dive into your health history, current issues and symptoms and get clarity on your vision of where to be and what your priorities are.

      Session 2- 5:

    • We explore all the pillars of health & wellbeing using the Te whare tapa wha model to identify gaps.

    • We explore your values, strengths and assess your own life balance and wellness levels

    • We explore the latest Science and research around lifestyle medicine and tools to optimise your health & wellbeing. This includes Sleep, Nutrition, Exercise, Relationships, Stress, Mental Resilience, Emotional and Mental Health, Spiritual Health & purpose

    • We look at obstacles, what might be holding you back; what self limiting beliefs you need to relinquish and how to plan for success that elicits sustainable behaviour and lifestyle change

    • We co-create your personalised " Best Me" plan that includes SMART ( specific, measurable, achievable, Realistic & Timebound) Goals.

      Session 6-8

    • We check in on progress. I provide support, coaching , resources and tools to help you succeed

    • We celebrate the wins, analyse the challenges and refine and review the plan and agree on next steps. Change takes time and I meet you exactly where you are at.


    • 8 personalised 1 Hour one-on-one coaching sessions

    • Personalised Session Notes including resources, fact sheets, handouts and tools tailored to your needs

    • Accountability Check in by phone or text between sessions

    • Free Access to Blogs and Online resources

    • Membership to our online community

    • Option to include subscription to pH360 & Shae to provide you with your very own virtual health assistant on your phone at an additional cost

    • 8 personalised 1 Hour one-on-one coaching sessions

    • Personalised Session Notes including resources, fact sheets, handouts and tools tailored to your needs

    • Accountability Check in by phone or text between sessions

    • Free Access to Blogs and Online resources

    • Membership to our online community

    • Option to include subscription to pH360 & Shae to provide you with your very own virtual health assistant on your phone at an additional cost

      Advantages & Benefits

      • Personalised Guidance: Receive Tailored support and strategies that suit your unique health goals and lifestyle

        Accountability: Stay motivated and on track with regular check-ins and support from your coach.

        Education & Expertise: Gain a deeper understanding of nutrition, exercise, sleep, stress management, self care, positive mindset and other health topics to empower informed decisions.

        Behavioral Change Support: Overcome barriers and develop sustainable habits that support long-term health.

        Holistic Approach: Address all aspects of health—physical, mental, emotional, spiritual & environmental —to achieve overall wellbeing.

        Referral Network: We have a comprehensive Referral Network should you require additional allied health services or the Support of a Functional & Lifestyle Medicine Doctor

        Best Me: Embrace Preventative Health & Lifestyle strategies to support you to greater vitality and optimal health and wellbeing

        Investing in your health with a health coach offers numerous benefits that extend far beyond the physical. Together, we will celebrate your successes, navigate challenges, and empower you to make sustainable changes that will last a lifetime.

  • If you are aware that changes need to take place and you mean to make a start this Wellthy Starter is for you. Over 5 sessions, we’ll explore preventative lifestyle medicine tools you can adopt to improve your overall health and wellbeing. This is an opportunity for a re-set and together we co-create a positive personalised plan for change 360 degrees of your life.


    • 5 One-on-one 1 hour in person/ virtual personalised Coaching Sessions.

      Your journey is completely unique and bespoke to your needs but typically this programme includes:

    • Session 1: We take a deep dive into your health history, current issues and symptoms and get clarity on your vision of where to be and what your priorities are.

      Session 2- 3:

    • We explore all the pillars of health & wellbeing using the Te whare tapa wha model to identify gaps.

    • We explore your values, strengths and assess your own life balance and wellness levels

    • We explore the latest Science and research around lifestyle medicine and tools to optimise your health & wellbeing. This includes Sleep, Nutrition, Exercise, Relationships, Stress, Mental Resilience, Emotional and Mental Health, Spiritual Health & purpose

    • We look at obstacles, what might be holding you back; what self limiting beliefs you need to relinquish and how to plan for success that elicits sustainable behaviour and lifestyle change

    • We co-create your personalised " Wellthy" plan that included SMART ( specific, measurable, achievable, Realistic & Timebound) Goals.

      Session 4-5

    • We check in on progress. I provide support, coaching , resources and tools to help you succeed

    • We celebrate the wins, analyse the challenges and refine and review the plan and agree on next steps. Change takes time and I meet you exactly where you are at.


    • 5 personalised 1 hour one-on-one coaching sessions ( in person/ virtual)

    • Personalised Session Notes including resources, fact sheets, handouts and tools tailored to your needs

    • Accountability Check in by phone or text between sessions

    • Free Access to Blogs and Online resources

    • Option to include subscription to pH360 & Shae to provide you with your very own virtual health assistant on your phone at an additional cost


    • Personalised Guidance: Receive Tailored advice support and strategies that ft your unique health goals and lifestyle

      Accountability: Stay motivated and on track with regular check-ins and support from your coach.

      Education & Expertise: Gain a deeper understanding of nutrition, exercise, sleep, stress management, self care, positive mindset and other health topics to empower informed decisions.

      Behavioral Change Support: Overcome barriers and develop sustainable habits that support long-term health.

      Holistic Approach: Address all aspects of health—physical, mental, emotional, spiritual & environmental —to achieve overall wellbeing.

      Referral Network: We have a comprehensive Referral Network should you require additional allied health services or the Support of a Functional & Lifestyle Medicine Doctor

      Investing in your health with a health coach offers numerous benefits that extend far beyond the physical. Together, we will celebrate your successes, navigate challenges, and empower you to make sustainable changes that will last a lifetime.

  • I am delighted to offer the technology of ph360 - Personalised Health 360 degrees of your life.  I am an endorsed ph360 Health Coach and Shae Wellness Provider, helping individuals to live their best selves; & with employers enhancing the health and wellbeing of their teams within work environments.

    Personalised Health looks to maintain health by assessing you as a whole, now. It takes into account your genes, your environment and lifestyle and formulates treatment and prevention strategies based on your unique background, conditions and current state of health.

    Using the power of AI and data from years of scientific research, your personalised health profile is created so you can achieve your desired health and wellness goals – easily, effortlessly and in alignment with your natural biology and talents.

    Over 5 sessions, we’ll complete your ph360 profile and you will have your own Shae Virtual Health assistant to help you in addition to our foundational Coach Approach to support you towards your best life. Personalised Health Made Easy. Preventative, Predictive, Precise and participatory.


    Initial Consultation to complete a detailed history and take non invasive body measurements to complete your phenotypical assessment (includes 12 month subscription to the platform)

    The initial consultation cost includes:  

    A 12 month subscription to the PH360® platform 

    Initial measurements and genetic data to determine your Healthtype®

    Access to the Shae® app on your devices, your coach in your pocket

    Your own personalised profile designed just for you and your individual health needs

    Setup & Initial Consult 1.5 hours

    Review of your lifestyle priorities and the recommendations from Shae

    3 follow up 45 minute sessions:

    • An initial coaching session to help you better understand your profile and the platform and get you started with optimising your health & set your personalised health goals.

    • Follow up sessions to help you stay on track, gain further insight into your phenotype and make lifestyle changes.

    A 6 monthly check-in and re-measure.

    Duration: This can be flexible to your needs or on an 8 week (2 month) programme.


    • A ph360/ SHAE Subscription for 1 year

    • Your own personalised SHAE phenotypical profile with all your bio-individualised lifestyle recommendations to support you optimise your health & wellbeing

    • Personalised Session Notes including resources, fact sheets, handouts and tools tailored to your needs

    • One on One 45 minute in person or virtual health Coaching sessions

    • Accountability Check in by phone or text between sessions

    • Handouts, tools, additional resources relevant to your own needs

    • Free Access to Blogs and Online resources.

    • You app includes personalised workouts and exercise routines; over 3000 recipes, food lists, a shopping list feature to be able to plan weekly meals , food diary, journalling feature, personalised lifestyle recommendation and chronobiology recommendations.

    • Membership to our online community

    • A free 6 month check in & remeasure 


      Virtual Health Assistant: Download the app and use desktop version of pH360 so that you have your own virtual assistant 24/7 in the palm of your hand

      Personalised Guidance: Receive Tailored support and strategies that suit your unique health goals and lifestyle

      Accountability: Stay motivated and on track with regular check-ins and support from your coach.

      Education & Expertise: Gain a deeper understanding of nutrition, exercise, sleep, stress management, self care, positive mindset and other health topics to empower informed decisions.

      Behavioral Change Support: Overcome barriers and develop sustainable habits that support long-term health.

      Holistic Approach: Address all aspects of health—physical, mental, emotional, spiritual & environmental —to achieve overall wellbeing.

      Referral Network: We have a comprehensive Referral Network should you require additional allied health services or the Support of a Functional & Lifestyle Medicine Doctor

      4 P Medicine: Embrace Preventative , predictive, precise and participatory Health & Lifestyle strategies to support you to greater vitality and optimal health and wellbeing

      Investing in your health with a health coach offers numerous benefits that extend far beyond the physical. Together, we will celebrate your successes, navigate challenges, and empower you to make sustainable changes that will last a lifetime.

  • I am delighted to offer the technology of ph360 - Personalised Health 360 degrees of your life. I am an endorsed ph360 Health Coach and Shae Wellness Provider, helping individuals to live their best selves; & with employers enhancing the health and wellbeing of their teams within work environments.

    Personalised Health looks to maintain health by assessing you as a whole, now. It takes into account your genes, your environment and lifestyle and formulates treatment and prevention strategies based on your unique background, conditions and current state of health.

    Using the power of AI and data from years of scientific research, your personalised health profile is created so you can achieve your desired health and wellness goals – easily, effortlessly and in alignment with your natural biology and talents.

    We all want to enjoy abundant energy, look vibrant and generally feel fantastic. With ph360 accessible to us all, providing freedom, flexibility, and fun to achieve vitality your way.

    PH360® is the first ever lifestyle program that gives you customised, simple and practical insights for scientifically proven health and happiness.

    PH360® is a permanent solution, not a one time fix. Results go beyond just weight loss, they touch every part of your life. It tracks progress on all of your personal health goals as you go, helping you to celebrate the small and big victories along the way. ph360 is participatory - simple, relatable, easy & supported.

    The initial consultation cost includes:

    -A 12 month subscription to the PH360® platform

    -Initial measurements and genetic data to determine your Healthtype®

    -Access to the Shae® app on your devices, your coach in your pocket

    -Your own personalised profile designed just for you and your individual health needs

    -An initial coaching session to help you better understand your profile and the platform and get you started with optimising your health.

    -A 6 month check in & remeasure

    Find your best health naturally - Look good, feel great, love life!

    Initial Consultation (includes 12 month subscription to the platform) - $300.00

  • Find out how I can help you.

Group  Health Coaching Sessions

Group Health Coaching Programs

  • Nearly 40% of adults suffer from a “Functional Gastrointestinal Disorder”, such as reflux/ heartburn, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), constipation/ alternating bowels, bloating, recurrent abdominal and food sensitivities. An increasing number of people has been diagnosed with inflammatory bowel disease - Crohn’s Disease or Ulcerative Colitis.

    While your specific gastro-intestinal issues are unique to each individual there are many common themes and strategies that can help improve symptoms, as well as general wellbeing.

    Enroll in our Wellthy Gut program to receive personalized care through fortnightly live sessions with Dr Zuzi and Coach Ilse and gain access to a supportive community through a private chat platform.

  • Complimentary monthly online chat on popular health and wellbeing related topics, private facebook group

You have the right and are always encouraged to bring one or more support person(s) to your one-on-one consultations. However, for group sessions, prior consent from all participants is necessary to respect everyone's privacy. All individuals present during any part of a group session will be required to sign a confidentiality agreement.


Medical Consultations & Health Coaching Packages

  • Recommended for MOST NEW PATIENTS, particularly those with complex or long-standing conditions. This generous time frame allows for detailed exploration of presenting issues and delivery of high-quality, patient-centered care.

  • Supportive, motivating and empowering clients to actively pursue their health goals through activities, choices and lifestyles that will lead them to a state of vibrant holistic health.

  • Client follow up to review clinical progress and improvements

    • Comprehensive Medical Consultation, Detailed History & Supervision

    • Generous consultation time frames allows for detailed exploration of presenting issues and delivery of high-quality, patient-centered care.

    • Supportive, motivating and empowering coaching sessions designed to support behaviour and lifestyle change to optimise Health & Wellbeing

    • Personalised Session Notes including resources, fact sheets, handouts and protocols tailored to your needs

    • Accountability Check in by phone or text between sessions

    • Free Access to Blogs and Online resources

  • Medical Supervision: Our medical doctor, specialising in integrative, functional & lifestyle medicine will oversee science based diagnostics, consultations & evidence based personalised treatments aimed at addressing root cause of dis-ease

    Personalised Guidance: Receive Tailored support and strategies that suit your unique health goals and lifestyle

    Accountability: Stay motivated and on track with regular check-ins and support from your coach.

    Education & Expertise: Gain a deeper understanding of nutrition, exercise, sleep, stress management, self care, positive mindset and other health topics to empower informed decisions. Prevention is cure.

    Behavioral Change Support: Overcome barriers and develop sustainable habits that support long-term health.

    Holistic Approach: Address all aspects of health—physical, mental, emotional, spiritual & environmental —to achieve overall wellbeing.

    Referral Network: We have a comprehensive Referral Network should you require additional allied health services

  • Ongoing Membership to our Living Wellthy Community for FREE

Comprehensive Individual

This combination package of Medical Consults and Health Coaching is recommended for complex & longstanding conditions. While you are under medical supervision you will also receive coaching support to help you reach your desired health outcomes.

Focussed Individual

This combination package of medical consults and health Coaching is recommended for less complex medical conditions & those seeking to boost their overall health & vitality. While you are under medical supervision you will also receive coaching support to help you reach your desired health outcomes.

  • Recommended for less complex issues and most children. Please fill out my INTAKE FORM at least 24 hours prior to your first appointment. This will help me understand your concerns and tailor our session effectively.

  • Supportive, motivating and empowering clients to actively pursue their health goals through activities, choices and lifestyles that will lead them to a state of vibrant holistic health.

  • Client follow up to review clnical progress and improvements

    • Comprehensive Medical Consultation, Detailed History & Supervision

    • Generous consultation time frames allows for detailed exploration of presenting issues and delivery of high-quality, patient-centered care.

    • Supportive, motivating and empowering coaching sessions designed to support behaviour and lifestyle change to optimise health & Wellbeing

    • Personalised Session Notes including resources, fact sheets, handouts and tools tailored to your needs

    • Accountability Check in by phone or text between sessions

    • Free Access to Blogs and Online resources

  • Medical Supervision: Our medical doctor, specialising in integrative, functional & lifestyle medicine will oversee science based diagnostics, consultations & evidence based personalised treatments aimed at addressing root cause of dis-ease

    Personalised Guidance: Receive Tailored support and strategies that suit your unique health goals and lifestyle

    Accountability: Stay motivated and on track with regular check-ins and support from your coach.

    Education & Expertise: Gain a deeper understanding of nutrition, exercise, sleep, stress management, self care, positive mindset and other health topics to empower informed decisions. Prevention is cure.

    Behavioral Change Support: Overcome barriers and develop sustainable habits that support long-term health.

    Holistic Approach: Address all aspects of health—physical, mental, emotional, spiritual & environmental —to achieve overall wellbeing.

    Referral Network: We have a comprehensive Referral Network should you require additional allied health services

  • Ongoing Membership to our Living Wellthy Community for FREE

Corporate Wellthy Journey

Discover the transformative power of our 6-month program designed to revolutionize your well-being. In just 6 months, we can help you establish lifelong habits proven to enhance health and vitality. Our immersive luxury stay kickstarts your journey, offering expert guidance and pampering in a breathtaking coastal setting. With thorough medical guidance, targeted interventions, and personalized health coaching, you'll take control of your health like never before. Access comprehensive education and support through weekly resources and live sessions, ensuring lasting success. Join our supportive online community for daily motivation and personalized assistance. Embrace a healthier, happier you—start your journey today.

Complimentary treatments, such as Intravenous Nutrient therapy, such as IV vitamin C, or Glutathione are also part of our service and can make a big difference to the outcomes.

Intravenous Nutrient Therapy

  • A range of evidence-based intravenous nutrients

Functional Tests

  • These laboratory tests delve into specific body functions and underlying processes. They can help in identifying the root cause of health problems and inform their management. (e.g. microbiome mapping, SIBO breath test, epigenetic screening, tissue mineral analysis, allergy/ sensitivities testing and more.)

Preventative checks are an integral part of our ethos, as is follow up. YOu don't always need to make a consultation when you are due one of these. We pride ourselves on excellent continuity of care. .


  • Repeat prescription $20

    Repeat prescription for medications/ supplements previously prescribed by me, that do not require a full consultation. This can be requested by phone or email by my existing patients and is subject to my discretion. Please note that pharmacies charge $15/ item for my scripts.

  • Requesting and communicating results for repeat and screening lab tests not associated with paid consultation. If they need to be addressed, you'll be asked to make an appointment.

  • Non-contact clinical services, such as clinical advice over email, organising referrals, etc.

  • $90/15min + $0.95/km mileage

Other Services

Optimising Wellbeing

Supportive, Motivating & Empowering