Frequently Asked Questions

If you can't find an answer to your question, you can contact us at, or schedule a complimentary discovery call through this email.

  • Scope of practice, services, and limitations:

    ·         Dr Zuzi is a fully qualified medical practitioner, registered in New Zealand. She provides most services, typically offered by a general practitioner, as well as other complementary services and advice, as outlined on her website.

    ·         Dr Zuzi does NOT PROVIDE ANY URGENT OR AFTER HOURS CARE. If this is required, you need to access this via the hospital or other appropriate avenues.

    ·         Dr Zuzi does NOT REPLACE YOUR GP and you are highly encouraged to enrol with a publicly funded GP.

    ·         Zivio Health is a PRIVATE PRACTICE and does not receive any government subsidies. All our fees are published on the booking page, and on our website:

    ·         Dr Zuzi cannot provide some publicly funded services, such as immunizations, screening programs, any procedures that involve handling of bodily fluids, or any procedures that require a chaperone.  It is recommended that you stay enrolled with your "regular" GP.

    Style of practice:

    ·         Working with Dr. Zuzi requires clients to actively and openly participate in the decision-making process concerning their health, as well as in the implementation of the jointly established treatment plans.

    ·         In her approach, Dr Zuzi prioritizes ADDRESSING MODIFIABLE LIFESTYLE factors, such as nutrition, sleep, stress management, and where appropriate can also discuss other conventional and complementary interventions.

    ·         Dr Zuzi will discuss with you, to the best of her knowledge, ALL options available (conventional and complimentary) for you to consider, with regards to investigations and treatments, keeping in mind the information you are interested in.

    ·         Discussions about INVESTIGATIONS options will include cost, where available.

    ·         Discussions about TREATMENT will include information about frequency and duration, relevant diagnostic tests, and information on the history, nature, and philosophy of different treatments as appropriate, in accordance with the Code of Health.

    ·         Where appropriate, and with your permission, Dr Zuzi can use a range of "TALKING THERAPIES", MINDFULNESS, MEDITATION and SOMATIC TECHNIQUES (e.g. breath work, tapping, etc.).

    ·         Where appropriate, Dr Zuzi will discuss the use of HERBAL and OTHER NATURAL preparations.

    ·         Natural products, such as herbal medicines and supplements are considered to be Complimentary and Alternative Medicines (CAM) by NZ law. As such they are not regulated as strictly, or are held to the same manufacturing standards as pharmaceutical preparations.

    ·         Most CAM PRODUCTS, discussed by Dr Zuzi are NOT SUBSIDISED and will need to be purchased privately via a third party (either via an online order or a dispensary)

    ·         Some DIAGNOSTIC TESTS discussed by Dr Zuzi are not considered standard by the conventional medicine. These are termed "functional tests". They are not subsidized and will need to be purchased from a third party (usually via an electronic order form)

    ·         Dr Zuzi can DECLINE to provide treatment that she considers not to be appropriate.

    ·         It remains YOUR CHOICE to decline any treatment or testing discussed by Dr Zuzi.

    ·         Where appropriate, Dr Zuzi can refer you for investigations/ management to public or private sector.

    Record keeping and communication:

    ·         Dr. Zuzi utilizes artificial intelligence TRANSCRIPTION SOFTWARE (Heidi) to assist with note-taking. To protect your privacy, these recordings are not linked to her booking system, do not contain any identifying details, and are regularly deleted from the hard drive. You may opt out of this at any time.

    ·         Dr Zuzi highly encourages NOTE TAKING during consultations.

    ·         It remains your choice to BRING SUPPORT to any of your consultations with Dr Zuzi.

    ·         Dr Zuzi occasionally sends out BULK EMAILS, informing about changes to services and new developments. All new patients are automatically signed up for these. You have a choice to opt-out if you wish to.


    ·         CHARGES for Dr Zuzi's consultations are PER TIME spent in consultation, and hence the price of her consultations may vary accordingly. Prior to your consultation, Dr Zuzi will give an ESTIMATE of how much time will be needed to the best of her ability.

    ·         Dr Zuzi can prepare a detailed consultation SUMMARY and/ or TREATMENT PLAN upon request. Please note that this service incurs an additional cost (as per published fees).

    ·         ADDITIONAL FEE applies where significant time outside of consultation is needed to collate medical history, organize referrals or liaise with other professionals, at Dr Zuzi's usual rate, as published on her website.

    ·         You are most welcome to contact Dr Zuzi outside of your consultations via email or text. Please note, that it may take a few days for Dr Zuzi to respond. Any MEDICAL ADVICE in response to your questions is chargeable at Dr Zuzi's usual rates and at her discretion.

    ·         Where appropriate, and at her discretion, Dr Zuzi can provide REPEAT PRESCRIPTIONS without a consultation. Flat fee of $30 per prescription applies. Please note that y scripts incur a $15 per item charge at pharmacies.

    ·         Dr Zuzi can provide MEDICAL CERTIFICATES, file ACC forms (accidents and sensitive claims) and WINZ forms, where appropriate. Usual charges apply.

    ·         Dr Zuzi can communicate with your GP/ other healthcare professional if instructed by you. Usual charges apply.

    ·         You can pay for your in-person consultation via

    - internet banking

    - DEBIT card at Dr Zuzi's office for no additional fee

    - CREDIT card (additional 2.5% fee)

    - cash

    ·         ONLINE consultations will be INVOICED per time spent in consultation + additional admin fee, where appropriate. Dr Zuzi would be grateful if these could be paid WITHIN 2 days after the consultation.

    ·         Please notify me in advance, if you need a PAYMENT PLAN. Setting up a payment plan incurs a flat fee of $20.

    Please feel free to ask for any clarifications regarding the above.

  • -My care is founded upon science-based wholistic treatments, as well as my genuine commitment to connect with and understand my clients and the issues they are facing.

    -I work with people of all ages and help them address a wide range of issues – both mental and physical.

    -I start by meticulous history taking- carefully looking at all known factors that affect our wellbeing- diet, environment, past medical history, family history, occupation, environment, health-related believes, etc. I use this information in conjunction with my findings from physical examination, laboratory tests, imaging, and any other investigations that may be needed, to help me formulate a whole-picture- plan, targeting the underlying causes and their drivers of the issue(s).

    -I place huge emphasis on a preventative and proactive approach and try to identify issues before they become big problems.

    -I believe that people do better when they understand their problems and when they can have their own agency in addressing them. As a result, I place a lot of emphasis on client education.

    -I also try to understand client’s specific strengths and motivations, as well as potential blocks, to help my clients achieve and maintain good outcomes.

    -I understand that mental, spiritual and physical wellbeing are interconnected and must all be addressed for best outcomes.

    -Where appropriate, I can refer you for investigations/ management/ second opinion to public or private sector.

    -I encourage my patients to research their concerns before their appointment. I value them as experts in understanding their own feelings and requirements.

    -I highly encourage note taking during consultations. I can provide a written summary after the consultation for additional cost.

    -I highly encourage my patients to bring a support person to their consultations, if they feel it would be of benefit to them.

    -It remains your choice to decline any treatment or testing recommended by me.

    -Always feel welcome to ask questions, provide feedback, and share any concerns about my care with me.

  • I work in collaborative partnership with my patients. To reflect this, I prefer to be called Zuzi by my patients.

    By choosing to work with me, you agree to actively participate in decision-making and the implementation of treatment plans that we have mutually agreed upon.

    Wherever possible, I prioritize improving lifestyle factors, including nutrition, sleep, stress management. Where suitable, we can also explore other conventional and complementary treatments.

    To assist you in making a well-informed decision, I will aim to present all options I am aware of (both conventional and complementary) in a neutral and comprehensive manner. Discussions about investigations and treatment options will include cost, where available.

    Where appropriate, and with your permission, I can employ a range of "talking therapies”, mindfulness, meditation and somatic techniques, such as breath work, tapping, etc.

  • Examples of some of the common issues I see in my clinic are:

    - Mental well-being (e.g. anxiety, mood issues, sleep disturbances, addictions, etc.)

    - Digestive health (e.g. IBS/ IBD, reflux, constipation, food intolerances, unexplained abdominal pain, etc.)

    - Cardiometabolic health (e.g. type 2 diabetes/ prediabetes/ insulin resistance, high blood pressure, non-alcoholic fatty liver, excess weight, etc.)

    - Hormonal health (e.g. thyroid issues, heavy painful periods, (peri)-menopause, (peri-)andropause, PCOS, etc.)

    - Skin health (e.g. eczema, acne, rosacea, psoriasis, etc.)

    - Other common issues (e.g. unexplained fatigue, headaches/ migraines, recurrent infections, etc.)

    - Early life well-being (e.g. breastfeeding, sleep, baby unsettled behaviour, physical and mental well-being for mothers, and other carers)

    - Environmental exposures (e.g. sensitivities, allergies, heavy metals, mold, etc.)

  • Examples of services I offer:

    - “conventional” diagnostic, screening and monitoring laboratory tests (e.g. thyroid function, liver function, essential micronutrients assessment, urine/ stool analysis, etc.)

    - functional testing (e.g. microbiome and hormone mapping, SIBO breath testing, hair testing, specific environmental exposures testing- e.g. allergies, heavy metals, mold, etc.)

    - epigenetic testing

    - referrals for imaging – public or private (e.g. x-rays, ultrasound, MRI, etc.)

    - recommendations and/ or referrals to other medical, health and wellbeing professionals – public or private (e.g. specialist doctors, physiotherapists, health coaches, personal trainers, etc.)

    - recommendations and/or referral for monitoring of bodily processes “bio-hacking” (e.g. continuous glucose monitoring, ambulatory blood pressure monitoring, heart rate variability monitoring, etc.)

    - any other referrals/ recommendations – nationwide- that may be indicated for a particular client

    - whatever else may be required, based on your individual needs

  • Individual sessions (online, in-office )

    - Shared Medical Appointments (online)

    - Free monthly support group

    - Guided mindful meditation and breathwork- individual or small groups (on request: online or in-person)

    - ONLINE Group self-empowerment programs


    Diabetes and metabolic health


    Body (optimizing weight)

    - Immersive residential health improvement experiences

  • I cannot offer urgent or after-hours care. If you require such services, please seek assistance from the hospital or other appropriate channels.

    I do not replace your GP. It is advisable to remain registered with your primary care physician for ongoing care.

    I am unable to offer services like immunizations and procedures involving bodily fluids, etc.

    I reserve the right to refuse non-urgent treatment if I believe your expectations do not align with my approach.

  • Natural products like herbal medicines and supplements are classified as Complementary and Alternative Medicines (CAM) under New Zealand law. This means they are not regulated as rigorously or required to adhere to the same manufacturing standards as pharmaceutical products.

    CAM products are typically not subsidized and need to be privately purchased from a third party, either online or through a dispensary.

    Some laboratory tests I use to aid in diagnosis are not considered standard in conventional medicine. Referred to as "functional tests," these are typically acquired from a third-party through an online order.

    To maintain impartiality, I channel all revenue from sales (e.g. natural products, functional testing, etc.), excluding my professional services, to my financial aid fund. This fund allows me to assist a limited number of people who’d like to work with me but may not have the means to do so.

  • Health coaching is Partnering with clients in a structured and supportive thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximise their health potential, long term healthspan and overall wellness.

    Health coaching acknowledges the clients stage of change, and increases the importance and confidence to increase readiness to change. Its a collaborative journey - about staying on your clients agenda, through deep listening, without any judgement to uncover untapped self awareness and support behaviour change.

    YOU, the client drives the coaching conversation and the coach holds the process facilitating an understanding of positive lifestyle medicine and tools towards a clients health aspirations and outcomes.

    The health coach’s job is not to come up with the solution, but to support the client to find their own way. Through the health coaching process, the client can tap into their existing strengths and abilities. They can seek and accept knowledge on current health science that supports their unique health agenda and goals. It is an empowering mode of support, one that gives ownership back to the client. Instead of being told what to do, the client is supported to figure this out for themselves with the assistance and expertise of the health coach. The health coach walks beside the client and supports them as they navigate through the ups and downs of their journey towards a more healthful life.

    Some common reasons people seek a health coach are:

    • A recent health scare

    • A new health diagnosis

    • A new symptom

    • Fear of future poor health (maybe related to family history)

    • Lived health experience of a loved one

    • The need for a fresh start or to find a place to start

    • To gain accountability or support with health goals

    • Failure to find success in meeting one’s own health goal

    •Wanting the personal approach

    • Stress management

    • Increased self-esteem

    • The need to be heard and championed

    • Checking on the sense that something is not right

    I help support, motivate and empower my clients to actively pursue their health goals through activities, choices and lifestyles that will lead them to a state of vibrant holistic health.

  • Real Wellth operates as a private practice and does not receive any government subsidies. Therefore, we have to charge for the majority of my services. You can find all my current fees listed on our website.

    Dr Zuzi's consultation fees vary depending on the time spent during each session. Before your consultation, she will estimate the expected duration as accurately as possible. However, the final cost will be based on the actual duration of our session. Additionally, any case-related tasks like research, result reviews, and communication with health professionals will involve extra charges.

    Tasks that may incur extra charge: answering clinical questions via email / phone, written summary, referral letters, investigation requests, review of past investigations, professional letters, etc., liaising with other health and well-being professionals about your case, medical certificates, etc.

    Please notify us in advance, if you need a payment plan. Setting up a payment plan incurs a flat fee of $20.

    You have the option to pay for your in-person consultation through: internet banking or debit card at my office. Please be aware that using a credit card incurs an additional 2.5% fee. International clients can pay via bank transfer or Paypal (5% fee).

    To maintain impartiality, I channel all revenue from product sales I may receive, to my financial aid fund. This fund allows me to assist a limited number of people who’d like to work with me but do not have the means to do so.